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Your Highness

January 19, 2011 Leave a comment Go to comments

By: Nick Ventrudo

I’m a sucker for anything sounding remotely classifiable as “party metal”. For those of you unfamiliar with the genre, “party metal”, it has absolutely nothing to do with Andrew W.K. It’s simply a genre that makes you want to shotgun 100 beers and go climb something epic, maybe while beating the shit out of someone. It encompasses thick driving riffs, relentless energy, and just enough of a “tough-guy” element bleeding through to really get your testosterone amped. Done right, “party metal” is a wrecking ball of pure head banging bliss. Belgium’s Your Highness is the epitome of party metal excellence. Channeling a repertoire of ballsy blues riffs and power chugs, Your Highness deliver a powerhouse of thrash ‘n’ roll. Their bludgeoning sound has the energy and brawn of Doomriders met with the behemoth, Sabbathian riffs of The Sword. Song for song, their three track demo possesses an abrasive, non stop, kick in the groin dynamic that will leave you pounding your fist and wishing you had a really rad motorcycle. There’s a hint of an American “hipster metal” vibe lingering, which renders it no surprise that Your Highness has carried their weight alongside an agglomeration of legendary US acts including Saviours, Lords, Weedeater, and Black Cobra.

The opening track, “Gut this City”, sets the pace for the party. Opening with an explosive blues riff, the track promptly pulls you under. Your Highness‘ throaty vocals sound like an unsettling argument between Nate Newton and John Baizley, which only adds fuel to their fire. Around the 1:12 mark, the track plunges into a melodic groove; a noodley, harmonious guitar lick, a little reminiscent of Baroness, but only a tease before the track spirals back into fist pumping utopia. The second track, “Cults n’ Cunts,” doesn’t miss a beat. A spectacular shitstorm of crushing chugs and melodies comprise most of the track (I must once again reiterate this records ability to induce head banging). The track continues the unforgiving drive and force cemented in “Gut this City,” seldom pausing to come up for air. The tight production of the record also adds to the overall aesthetic. Precisely timed pans and “cut outs” between guitars allow the recording to showcase a technical aspect while maintaining its original vigor.

Closing the demo, “Hordes,” is the most epic of the three tracks. Emerging with a Sabbath saturated riff, the band’s blues influence becomes absolutely overt with this song. The impetus behind the demo has yet to surrender itself as Your Highness has maintained an astringent nature throughout. The 2:20 mark introduces a guitar solo that will captivate even the most precocious air-guitarists. It sweeps into a gnarly guitar bridge, harmonizing in thirds to enchant their audience and ultimately build to their devastating finale.

Your Highness have managed to concretize the party metal formula. The inexorable energy demonstrated from start to finish could wear out the most ebullient of metal enthusiasts. Hook after hook of deviated chugging patterns will assuredly leave you with an onerous hangover. Everything from the vocals to musical composition showcase a sense of brutality and unyielding conviction. Party metallers, take notes; Your Highness is a force to be acknowledged. Keep an ear out for their debut release, Cults n’ Cunts, due out March this year.

Categories: Demos, Your Highness
  1. pis
    January 21, 2011 at 7:16 pm

    Songs on the blog are the teasers now for the full length lp ‘Cults n’ Cunts’ soon to be released. More news on this soon!


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